“4EU+ Against Cancer” Summer School

4eu+ Against Cancer – Summer School is back. Hosted by Charles University in Prague, starting from July 2023
Translational and clinical research in oncology, basics of cancer treatments, bioinformatics, computational biology and drug development will be the main topics of the 2nd edition of 4eu+ Summer School. This time we are changing venues and we are happy to invite you to Czech Republic (Marianske Lazne) between 2-5 July 2023.
2022 Edition Summary
30 students, from 5 out of 6 alliance universities: Charles University, Heidelberg University, Sorbonne University, University of Milan and University of Warsaw took part in the first summer school 4EU+ Against Cancer “Comprehensive and integrative educational program in oncology“ organized by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM) of the University of Warsaw.
International researchers, teachers and members from 4EU+ universities (i.e. Charles, Sorbonne, Warsaw, Milan) gave an overview of the different axes of research in oncology and different funding’s possibilities.